I wanted to embarrass myself as go as Martha Stewart as I possibly could once this Christmas, so I decided to do bracket my masculinity for the day and make vegan pinwheel chocolate peppermint cookies. The recipe wasn't vegan, but it was easily veganized, as 90% of baked foods are. I just did margarine instead of dairy butter, soymilk instead of cows' milk, and bananas instead of eggs (though there are many other ways to get around the egg thing). The non-chocolate parts of the cookies had crushed candy cane pieces in them. Look at them. They're adorable.
In other, completely inedible news, I really like to run, and when I was training for a marathon a couple of years back, I completely messed up my right knee, ignored it, and did what seems to be permanant damage. I can still run fairly long distances, around ten miles, but if I increase distance too much from run to run, or if I push fifteen miles in a single run, my knee inevitably acts up. After some research, I'm pretty sure it's iliotibial band syndrome. Anyway, against my best judgment I increased my distances a bit too quickly this break and my IT band is in some serious pain. It would be wise to steer clear of running for five days or so, but I keep ignoring my own advice. I ran a 5k today, and I plan to do a 10k tomorrow. My knee is KILLING me.
But this is supposed to be a vegan food blog.
Anyway, hopefully my next entry will be more veg-full. I'm missing fruits and vegetables.